Thursday, January 26, 2012

      Poetry is an amazing form of literature that I have been inspired by since childhood. Emily Dickinson's work provided in the Post-Bellum packet it is great example of renowned poetry, though I'm having a tough time understanding her literal meaning behind it. If I am not mistaken she died, for beauty, and was expanding on her experience of her spirits travels after death, and maybe even the physical remains of her body! She speaks of Death being so kind as to stop and pick her up, and take her for a ride! As well she speaks of visiting another whom died for truth, and having a deep chat in their graves until life consumed the nutrients of their bodies into the living things amongst the environment they were buried in. Some of her remains went toward the beauty of the environment, and as well into a gun forged from that environment that went on to live in the life of another! Am i correct on those last thoughts about her remains living on? Or is she speaking of a deeper meaning that i am not picking up?

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